The Fujifilm X100V

The Fujifilm X100V is incredible from image quality to the sharpness of the new XF23mm F2 lens built into it. I honestly use it more then my X-Pro 3 Its insane.

I love the new added touch screen I use it for selecting my focus on the move. I was obsessed with the X100F but this V takes the cake.

I’ve included images in the video I took with the X100V in the past few month.

If you’re interested in buying this item, here’s the link below:

Fujifilm X100V

The Viltrox 56 F1.4 Len

The Viltrox 56 F1.4 is the same price as the fujifilm 50mm F2 but in my opinion, hands down beats it. The lens is tack sharp open at f1.4.


The Viltrox 56 F1.4 is the same price as the fujifilm 50mm F2 but in my opinion, hands down beats it. The lens is tack sharp open at f1.4.

I’ve tried the Fujifilm 56mm F1.2 and the focus was all over the place, I don’t know if it was the copy but I definitely prefer the Viltrox focusing over the 56mm F1.2


The bokeh is creamy, the size is in between the Fujifilm 56mm / 50mm F2. The lens hood is metal which I love over fujifilm plastic ones. It feels great on my X-Pro 3.


Viltrox definitely changed my mind because I usually only use native lenses to whatever system/brand I’m using. I just don’t like the risks such as equipment malfunctioning during jobs/projects etc.


After testing this lens for the past couple of days I can honestly say it did not disappoint and it’s definitely Prograde level.💪🏽

If you’re interested in buying this item, here’s the link below:

Viltrox 56mm F1.4

The Bronx Boy who Can’t Dance ( My First Photo-book)

My first photo book EVER! Thank you 🙏🏾 @saaldigital_corpthis leather hard cover photo book design is 🔥. I posted about it the other day and so many of you reached out to me about purchasing a copy.


I’m thankful and grateful for all of the support you guys showed me.


Ill be making more and I’ll let you guys know when my “The Bronx Boy who Can’t Dance” photo book is available for purchase 🙏🏾


The Fujifilm 35 mm F1.4 Lens

The 35mm F1.4 is my all time favorite fujifilm lens. I’ve created some of my all time favorite shots with this lens. I’ll post a few in this post. I create magic with this lens every time.


I know people complain about the lens being loud and autofocus being slow but honestly it’s never been a issue for me and this is my third copy.


I love the 50mm focal length and I shoot tons of portraits so the f1.4 shallow depth of field is a beautiful add.


I’ve shot editorials to Dance shoots. Something about the bokeh speaks poetry to my eyes.


Funny story this was the first lens I got when I started shooting fujifilm and sold it immediately 😂.


Trust I’ll never make that mistake again.

If you’re interested in buying this item, here’s the link below:

Fujifilm 35mm F1.4

I'm in LOVE with the Fujifilm X100V

It’s incredible from image quality to the sharpness of the new XF23mm F2 lens built into it. I use it more then my X-Pro 3 Its insane.

I love the new added touch screen I use it for selecting my focus on the move. I was obsessed with the X100F but this V takes the cake. Below are images I took in the past month.

Link below just in case you’re interested in buying this beauty- Fujifilm X100V

Fujifilm X100V and X-Pro 3 Black Camo Skin

I Brought This Black Camo Decal Body Guard for my Fujifilm X100V and X-Pro 3. I got it off of Amazon for 14-16 bucks. Best Purchase so far, now I don’t have to worry about my camera bodies getting scratches up. I’m OCD with my gear when it comes to dust,dents and scratches.

📸 Here the link if your interested - Black Camouflage Decal